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What Kinds of Personal Injury Cases Do We Handle?

June 27 2023 | Personal Injury

Personal injury law is designed to protect people who are harmed by someone else’s carelessness or wrongdoing. An injured victim may qualify for compensation after many different types of incidents. If you get injured in Connecticut, you may have grounds to bring a personal injury claim against one or more parties in pursuit of financial compensation. At Jacobs & Jacobs, our personal injury lawyers handle various types of cases.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of personal injury cases. Automobile accidents can occur due to many types of human error and driver negligence. Negligence is the failure to use ordinary care. When negligence results in a vehicle collision, victims can seek compensation from the at-fault driver or party. Types of motor vehicle accident cases include:

In Connecticut, you may also have grounds to file a claim after a harmful boating or personal watercraft accident. If impairment, texting and driving, an incompetent operator, speeding, broken laws or other examples of negligence caused your crash, you may be eligible for financial compensation from a car insurance company.

Premises Liability

A premises liability claim seeks to hold a negligent property owner responsible for an injury that occurred due to a defect on his or her premises. Property owners in Connecticut have a responsibility to ensure the reasonable safety of lawful visitors. Ignoring property hazards and potential injury risks could lead to a premises liability claim. Common examples include slip and fall accidents, dog bite injuries, swimming pool accidents, staircase accidents, fires and explosions, and negligent security.

Product Liability

Product liability is the area of personal injury law that involves defective or dangerously designed consumer products. If an item contains a design, manufacturing or marketing defect and causes injury to a consumer, the manufacturing company or product distributor could be held financially responsible. Product liability claims often do not require injured victims to prove company negligence. Showing that the item contained a defect and caused the injury is generally enough under the strict product liability law.

Workplace Accidents

If you get injured in an accident at work, such as a construction accident or slip and fall in the office, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. This is an insurance program in Connecticut that does not require an injured worker to prove negligence to qualify for compensation. However, if you believe that your employer or a coworker caused your injury due to negligence, you may qualify for greater compensation through a personal injury claim.

Medical Malpractice

A medical malpractice case allows an injured patient to seek justice and compensation from a negligent health care provider for a harmful mistake or lapse in judgment. If a doctor, nurse, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor or another health care professional falls short of the accepted standards of medical care when treating a patient, he or she can be held responsible for a related injury or death. Examples of medical malpractice include medication errors, surgical mistakes, diagnostic mistakes, nursing home negligence and birth injuries.

Contact Us for a Free Personal Injury Case Consultation

An accident in Connecticut can have serious consequences, including physical pain, emotional trauma, and financial harm due to expensive medical bills and lost wages. Understanding your type of personal injury case can allow you to better protect yourself as an injured victim. For more information about our services and the types of cases we accept at Jacobs & Jacobs, contact us for a free case consultation.

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