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The decision of whether or not to hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you during an accident claim in Connecticut is an important one that should not be taken lightly. Your future financial stability could be hanging in the balance. The need for an attorney depends on your specific circumstances, including the details of your case, your goals and the severity of your injuries.
Injury severity is one of the key determining factors in whether or not you need a New Haven personal injury lawyer. If you or a loved one sustained a severe, catastrophic or permanently disabling injury in a preventable accident in New Haven, hiring a lawyer can be instrumental to your financial future. Without an attorney, an insurance company may offer substantially less than you need and deserve for a major injury, making it difficult to recover and move forward. A lawyer can help you seek maximum financial compensation for a life-changing injury.
Many traumatic accidents in Connecticut inflict mental, emotional and psychological harm or trauma on a survivor. Insurance companies can make it hard for a claimant to recover fair compensation for these intangible or non-economic losses, also known as pain and suffering. You may need to hire an attorney to help you prove a claim for emotional distress. An attorney can search for evidence such as expert and witness testimony, letters from a psychiatrist, or an injury journal.
If your family received the devastating news that a loved one passed away in a fatal accident in Connecticut, do not hesitate to contact an attorney for legal advice and representation. Wrongful death is a tragedy that may entitle a family to financial compensation for funeral and burial costs, lost wages and inheritance, loss of household services, pain and mental anguish, and more. Work with an attorney to ensure that an insurance company does not take advantage of your family during this difficult and emotionally taxing time.
If there is a dispute or argument regarding who should be held liable, or legally responsible, for your accident and injuries in New Haven, hire an attorney to help you navigate the legal process. A liability dispute could lead to a lengthy or drawn-out legal battle. It could even result in the comparative negligence defense being presented by an insurance company – an argument that you contributed to your own injuries. A law firm will have the resources to investigate your accident, determine fault and collect evidence to help you prove liability.
Bad faith insurance is a type of insurance company misconduct that is typically committed to save the insurer money on a claimant’s payout. It can refer to illegal or unethical actions taken against a claimant, such as wrongful claim denial, unreasonable delays or the intentional underpayment of a claim. If you are having difficulty receiving an answer or a fair settlement offer from an insurance company, you may need a personal injury lawyer to take over negotiations for you.
Many personal injury claims in Connecticut involve complex and nuanced legal issues. Bringing a product liability claim for injuries caused by a defective product, for example, is much different than filing a premises liability case after an accident due to a dangerous property condition. An experienced personal injury lawyer will have the skill, knowledge and legal education to successfully guide you through your claim, advocating for your rights and best interests every step of the way.
Note that the personal injury lawyers at Jacobs & Jacobs offer free initial case consultations, where you can speak to an attorney and receive an honest assessment of your case at no financial risk or obligation. Call us today at (475) 323-6562 to learn more about when to hire legal representation.